Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shutter Island

Shutter Island
Feb 24, 10

I was really excited to see this movie. It was originally supposed to be released in October 09 but it was pushed back. I started to wonder why it was pushed back...was it because it didn't test well and they had to go back and re shoot parts and alter the script. After asking my movie guru, Doug Benson, his thoughts on the movie I decided to head out to the theater and see it. Wow...I am sure glad I did.

First off...Before seeing this movie I did not see any trailers for it on tv...just what was shown last summer before the original release date. I just saw a trailer and they talk about the plot a little bit! I won't mention it here because I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone! Trust single sentence will ruin the whole movie for you!

I thought this was a great movie. You have to love the way Martin Scorsese shoots a movie and you have to love the way Marty gets Leonardo DiCaprio to shine. I did feel like the movie was just a tad on the long side. I think they could have easily shaved about 20 mins off it but it didn't drag on. I just like to watch a movie that isn't 2 hours long!

Without giving away too much on the movie the moral of this post...go see Shutter Island!
I don't think you will be disappointed. It you are, suck it up...I won't refund your money!

Rating: ★★★★

Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy
Feb 17, 10

I won't be giving this movie a rating since its made for families and entertainment.

I will say this...I enjoyed The Game Plan more.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear John

Dear John
Feb 15, 10

To continue my depressing Valentine's Weekend I decided to go see Dear John. Since this is a movie based on a Nicholas Sparks book I made sure my tissues were in my purse before I walked up to the box office.

Looking at this trailer I thought this was just a normal "fall in love - love is separated but can withstand any adversity - we lived happily ever after" story. What the F was I thinking!!!!!

I am not going to spoil the movie for anyone but there was a whole other plot going on with this 'love story' that I wasn't prepared for. (I didn't read the book...sue me!) I am surprised I was able to even see the second half of this movie through my tears! Not since Up have a had a constant flow of tears in the movie theater (Admit it!! The first 15 minutes of Up was heart wrenching for a Pixar cartoon!!!)

This is a perfect DVD if you do have the same reaction as I do so you can cry and blow your nose in the privacy of your own home.

I think I might have cried a little more than the average person seeing this movie just because the subject matter hit a little close to home.
I am going to give this movie three stars because of my reaction and the impact this movie had on me. The acting wasn't that great and the ending was weird but this movie hit me in the soft spot of my heart and I think might stay there for a long time. Plus Channing Tatum was shirtless in more than one scene and my first ever love..yes even before George Clooney, was in this movie... Elliot himself HENRY THOMAS!!!


Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day
Feb 13, 10

I'll admit it...the star studded cast of this flick made my ears perk up. Seeing Garry Marshall's name in the credits didn't hurt either.
So what does a forever single girl do the day before Single Awareness Day (aka Valentine's Day). Well she goes to see the most cliche movie out there.

It was a cute movie. Nothing too exciting to report besides "cute". I think the funniest part of this movie was the reaction of the crowd in one certain scene! I won't give it away so don't spoiler alerts here. But it was pretty funny!

I really don't see any reason for you to run out and see this movie in the theaters. I think you can probably wait for this movie to come out on DVD.

Rating: ★★

ps...I think I am going to get a little tougher with my rating system! At first I gave this movie 2 1/2 stars but then I realized the 1/2 wasn't that much so why not bump it down to 2 stars. Bradley Cooper sans shirt would have earned the 1/2 of a star back ;)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Book of Eli

The Book of Eli
Jan 3, 2010

I was told as a child if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
That should sum up my review of this movie.

I didn't hear much buzz about this movie and there is a reason for that. It just wasn't that good. I found the movie to be really slow. Some movies are better DVD's and maybe this is one of those.
So that's all I really have to say about this movie.

My rating is going to be 2 1/2 stars for the little twist at the end of the movie and for having Gary Oldman in it.
**Correction...after thinking about this I am going to bump it to 1 1/2 star**
Rating: ★1/2

Monday, February 1, 2010

Crazy Heart

Crazy Heart
Jan 31, 2010

I didn't know much about this movie before seeing it. I read one review about it and knew I wanted to see it. Jeff Bridges won the Best Actor Golden Globe for his performance as Bad Blake and now I know why. He is fantastic in it. Well maybe Amazing would be a better word to describe his performance. He made a drunk lonely washed up country singer someone that you feel for. There was something about Jeff that I can't put my finger on but if you could bottle it up and sell it everyone would be a fantastic actor.

Crazy Heart was written beautifully. You really do feel for Bad Blake and where his life ended up playing hole in the wall bars from town to town. Maggie Gyllenhaal played Jean who met Bad during an interview and Robert Duvall plays his friend back home. Colin Farrell also had a small part in the movie. Who knew Jeff Bridges and Colin Farrell could sing!!!

Great movie from start to finish. If you were already a Jeff Bridges fan (and for those who aren't go watch The Big Lebowski again) you will love him more after this performance.

Magnificent Movie!!!!

Rating: ★★★★★

When in Rome

When in Rome
Jan 30, 2010

Cute Cute Cute Movie! I really am a sucker for cutey love stories. This is one of them.

Kristen Bell is just adorable and Josh Duhamel is so handsome and they are such a cute on screen couple. Danny Devito, Will Arnett, Dax Shepard and John Heder round out the 'love interests' in this movie.

Really cute cast and really cute story. I laughed a lot during this movie. That's always a good sign!
I think that guys might even enjoy this movie...but don't hold me to that!

Ok..Raiting system change. After looking all over the web I can't find html code for a half a star so I am just going to use ½ for half a star.

Rating: ★★ ½