Monday, June 21, 2010

The A-Team

The A-Team
June 11, 10
(midnight show)

I loved this tv show as a kid! When I found out there was a movie coming out I will admit that I got excited!! Now I do know that tv shows from the 80's were totally cheesy and I didn't expect much from the movie besides just being entertained and that's exactly what I got.

No one is going to win an oscar for this movie but you will get some laughs from it. It's a typical summer movie with lots of one liners and explosions. I loved the cast in this movie. Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Rampage Jackson and Sharlto Copley were a great fit. Copley, which you may remember as Wikus from District 9, stole the show in my opinion. Good popcorn movie to start off the summer movie season! I forgot to mention that Bradley Cooper has some shirtless scenes in this movie. I take back the comment about no one winning a oscar...Bradley's pecs and abs should be nominated and win for best supporting cast member!!

Rating: ★ ★ ★

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Get Him To The Greek

Get Him To The Greek
June 6, 10

I think this was the first real comedy I saw this year and it was worth the wait! Now...I know you think this is the continuing story from Forgetting Sarah Marshall but its not (even though Jonah Hill was in FSM). The only cross over character is Aldous Snow.

Jonah Hill's character, Aaron, works for a music company owned by Sergio, Puff Daddy-P Diddy-Puffy-Sean John whatever his name is..y'all know who I'm talking about! Puff Daddy was superb in this movie! One of my favorite characters. He was hilarious! He made me laugh out loud! He was a joy to watch! Maybe he found a new calling..a comedic actor!!

Well we all know how Aldous Snow is and Aaron has to get him from the UK to LA. I think I might even put this in a buddy-buddy movie category.

Great movie! Go watch it! Laugh!


Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2
May 9, 10

It's a sequel so I am going to take it easy on Tony Stark. I thought Iron Man was a strong action packed movie and I was expecting a lot out of its sequel. It didn't disappoint (that much). I loved Mickey Rourke in this movie as Whip Lash. Besides his face, that man has a killer body for being almost 60 years old. Ugh...I didn't know he was 58 until just a second before I typed that last sentence. I think I drooled over a grandpa's chest and abs. I am going to go sit in the corner and think about Nick Jonas and his 17 year old body to help me recover. brb

Ok...I'm better now. was ok. I didn't run out of the theaters telling everyone I know to go see it. I actually think you can wait for dvd unless you are a huge fan. Make sure you watch past all the credits to see what's next in The Avengers series!

Rating: ★ ★ ½

How To Train Your Dragon

How To Train Your Dragon (3D - IMAX)
April 2010

This was a fantastic movie! Since the Academy Awards bumped the nominees for Best Picture to 10, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being nominated. I know it's a cartoon and you might think that all cartoon are made for kids but please don't pass up this movie for that reason. It's great and if you think about it most jokes in cartoon movies go over the heads of the kids and the adults are the ones that laugh!

Hiccup, the son of a viking, has to be the sweetest character. You fall in love with him immediately. I don't want to ruin the movie for you so I won't go into anymore detail on the trials and tribulations between Hiccup and his strong viking father but it's totally worth the watch.

This is one of the top 10 movies I've seen so far in 2010!

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★★

The Perfect Game

The Perfect Game
April 2010

I saw this movie and watched the trailer on my iPhone with the Flixter ap (which is my favorite) and was excited to find out this little indie film was showing at my local theater.

Its based on the true story of the first ever little league team from Monterrey, Mexico in 1960 traveling to the Little League World Series. There is some back story to the team so I won't go into too much detail but I enjoyed this movie. The kids on the team were great if you can get over their horrible Mexican which got on my nerves. It was a heart warming movie. Clifton Collins Jr was the lead. Along with Sam Worthington I suggest you put Collins Jr. on your radar...he is great in everything he does. Cheech Marion and Louis Gossett Jr. also were great casting decisions.

I think this is a great movie to watch with your kids. Heart warming story and you might shed a single tear at the end.

Rating: ★★½

Date Night

Date Night
April 2010

While watching Up in the Air my mom saw this movie trailer and laughed out loud and whispered to me that she wanted to see this movie. I think the clips of Marky-Mark shirtless showing his Funky Bunch (his abs) probably helped her decision.

This was a cute and funny movie. I am sure the main point of this movie was lost on a single gal with no kids but I still enjoyed it. Lots of hi jinx and jokes. The action sequences got a little out of hand but it was still funny.

Cute popcorn movie. Since I am writing this review totally late go rent it when it comes out if you haven't seen it. If you Remember that its a comedy and its just for entertainment and you will enjoy it.

Rating: ★★½