Clash of the Titans
Apr 4, 10
I wanted very patiently for this movie for a few of reason. Reason 1: I loved this movie as a kid! I used to watch it all the time even though Medusa scared the crap out of me Reason 2: Sam Worthington - after seeing him in Terminator Salvation last summer I was in love Reason 3: this was the first movie I was going to watch in the D-Box seats.
My review of this movie might be a little slighted because of those damn D-Box seats. They were amazing. They take the whole movie watching experience to the next level. Seriously one of the best movie experiences I have ever had. Totally worth the wait. I really think it makes the movie 10 times better.
Now on to the actual movie....Sam Worthington is amazing. Yeah yeah he might lose his accent a few times but the upskirt shots make up for it. He is truly a beautiful man! I am going to really enjoy seeing him in many many movies to come. This is the type of movie that might only be great in the theaters. I think it will lose some pizazz once its inserted into your blu-ray player. Good movie but the D-Box seats made it so much better. Its not a bad remake. Bubo made a quick cameo...I would have liked to see him in the whole movie.
Apr 4, 10
I wanted very patiently for this movie for a few of reason. Reason 1: I loved this movie as a kid! I used to watch it all the time even though Medusa scared the crap out of me Reason 2: Sam Worthington - after seeing him in Terminator Salvation last summer I was in love Reason 3: this was the first movie I was going to watch in the D-Box seats.
My review of this movie might be a little slighted because of those damn D-Box seats. They were amazing. They take the whole movie watching experience to the next level. Seriously one of the best movie experiences I have ever had. Totally worth the wait. I really think it makes the movie 10 times better.
Now on to the actual movie....Sam Worthington is amazing. Yeah yeah he might lose his accent a few times but the upskirt shots make up for it. He is truly a beautiful man! I am going to really enjoy seeing him in many many movies to come. This is the type of movie that might only be great in the theaters. I think it will lose some pizazz once its inserted into your blu-ray player. Good movie but the D-Box seats made it so much better. Its not a bad remake. Bubo made a quick cameo...I would have liked to see him in the whole movie.
Cant wait to see this....at the theater of course. I need to get my ass out there. I loved the orig as well. Is it safe to say your a Sam Worthington fan...he is a hottie!!